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AGU Youtube

AGU Youtube

The AGU youtube channel (American Geophysical Union) has various geoscience videos, from virtual field trips where outcrops are explained in short videos to online conferences discussing up to date research. Another very interesting section is the career development advice for professionals already in the industry, as well as those only just starting out!

Nick Zentner

Nick Zentner

Nick Zentner, a geology lecturer from Washington USA, presents various videos on geology-related topics. The “Nick from Home” series, recorded during the Covid-19 pandemic, is particularly brilliant with 1 hour+ livestreams about a huge range of geology topics using a trusty chalkboard and various other props in his garden/house.

Dr. Anjana Khatwa

Dr. Anjana Khatwa

A great channel from Dr. Anjana Khatwa, based around her long teaching experience and exploits on the Jurassic Coast of the UK. The main series of videos asks “Where on Earth do you Live?, as a vehicle to investigate the geology under your feet.